Lambda calculus beta reduction examples
Lambda calculus beta reduction examples

The difference is that in call-by-value you normalize the argument before you substitute it for the bound variable. The only reduction rule of interest in this course is called beta-reduction, and is dened by: (x. If both the - and -rules were used in reduction sequences, we would say an expression is in. Note that this is different from your examples bacause of the extra parantheses that I put in.Ĭall-by-name: (λpq.pqp)((λab.a)(λcd.d)) ➝Ĭall-by-value: (λpq.pqp)((λab.a)(λcd.d)) ➝ Here are a few examples of lambda calculus expressions. Congratulations, you just did your first -reduction Your first -reduction In this example, we are going to solve the boolean expression True or False using lambda calculus. In this case there is only one reducible expression, click on it. Finally, in 1960s, Dana Scott, then a Professor at Oxford University, and himself a former student of Alonzo Church, discovered a meaning for the lambda calculus.

lambda calculus beta reduction examples

Here is an example, where the difference matters. You can see that all the reducible expressions are highlighted. This explains why the lambda calculus has been called a calculus. In your case the call-by-value and call-by-name do not differ, because the arguments are already reduced. Call-by-value and call-by-name both use the same rules of reduction, but in different places and in a different order. The parallel reduction relation is defined as follows.You misunderstood call-by-value and are doing it backwards, i.e., you are substituting functions into arguments, instead of the other way around.

lambda calculus beta reduction examples

It maybetaughtinacomputabilitycourseasaclassical com-putationmodel.

  • _ _ rename ext exts Z S_ subst subst-zero ) Parallel Reduction 1 Introduction Thepureuntypedlambdacalculus is oftentaughtas part of thecomputer sci-encecurriculum.
  • Imports open import using ( _≡_ refl ) open import Function using ( _∘_ ) open import Data.Product using ( _×_ Σ Σ-syntax ∃ ∃-syntax proj₁ proj₂ ) renaming ( _,_ to ⟨_,_⟩ ) open import using ( Rename Subst ) open import using ( _-→_ β ξ₁ ξ₂ ζ _-↠_ begin_ _-→⟨_⟩_ _-↠⟨_⟩_ _∎ abs-cong appL-cong appR-cong -↠-trans _⊢_ _∋_ `_ #_ _,_ ★ ƛ_ _ Thus, we can reduce the proof of confluence for beta reduction to confluence for parallel reduction. Furthermore, we show that a parallel reduction sequence exists between any two terms if and only if a beta reduction sequence exists between them. To side-step this problem, we’ll define an auxiliary reduction relation, called parallel reduction, that can perform many reductions simultaneously and thereby satisfy the diamond property. x) a)īoth terms can reduce to a a, but the second term requires two steps to get there, not one. Unfortunately, reduction in the lambda calculus does not satisfy the diamond property. The key rule in expression evaluation is the -reduction: the. If we write ⇛* for the reflexive and transitive closure of ⇛, then confluence of ⇛* follows immediately from the diamond property. Apply a function f on an expression N is written as fN. This is just an instance of the same picture above, where downward lines are now instance of ⇛. This rule applies whenever there is a subterm of the form (x.e) e representing the application of a function x.e to an argument e. For example, Ap(lambda(f,Ap(f,x)), lambda(x,x)) beta reduces in one step to Ap(f,x)f:lambda(x,x). Lambda Calculus Calculator supporting the reduction of lambda terms using beta- and delta-reductions as well as defining rewrite rules that will be used in. Then ⇛ has the diamond property if whenever L ⇛ M₁ and L ⇛ M₂, then there exists an N such that M₁ ⇛ N and M₂ ⇛ N. Reduction can be applied to any subterm of a term.


    Where downward lines are instances of -↠.Ĭonfluence is studied in many other kinds of rewrite systems besides the lambda calculus, and it is well known how to prove confluence in rewrite systems that enjoy the diamond property, a single-step version of confluence. x2 2) 22 4 Lambda Calculus Syntax and Semantics The syntax of a -calculus expression is as follows: e :: v v.

    lambda calculus beta reduction examples

    That is, if there are reduction sequences from any term L to two different terms M₁ and M₂, then there exist reduction sequences from those two terms to some common term N. we use the following -calculus syntax: (x.

    lambda calculus beta reduction examples

    In this chapter we prove that beta reduction is confluent, a property also known as Church-Rosser.

    Lambda calculus beta reduction examples